Wii Sports

July 8, 2023

A Long Time Ago

I played Wii Sports for the first time when I was around 4-5 years old. I was terrible, I always played with family so I never understood the skill system, and the game was (and still is) older than I am. But, it was very fun. My best sport was bowling, as I somehow managed to get to a level of 1000 skill. This granted me the ⦗PR✪⦘ tag along with a stary new ball. I actually got and played a bunch of games on the Wii, it was pretty awesome. Of course, I eventually stopped playing for one reason or another.

That Wii U Thing They Made

Many years later, I got a Wii U, mostly for playing Mario Maker. Interestingly, the Wii U has a Wii emulator inside of it, meaning we could get rid of our Wii and start playing games on there. My family and I actually played the Wii a lot, Wii Party was - and still might be - our favorite to play together.

Soon enough, I remembered Wii Sports, and after seeing YouTubers such as Poofesure and Nicro go for perfect games of bowling, I wanted to go back and try it for myself. I found a tutorial on how to get a strike every time, and on my second attempt, got the perfect game. It was super rewarding, but after that, I didn’t really know what else to do with Wii Sports. However, Nicro played on Wii Sports Resort, which I did not have. Obviously, I had to buy it, and check out the new sports it had.


Welp, I mainly played bowling. I played every sport at least once, but I still had some flashing “NEW” tags on the menu. During this time I understood the skill level system a bit better, and tried getting to the maximum level for bowling. I was able to get perfect games quite consistently, even getting three in a row at one point. Unfortunately though, I got bored before reaching the highest possible level. Soon enough, I stoped playing.


I recently played Wii Sports Resort again, trying out some new sports I didn’t focus on last time. At this point, I believe I fully understand the skill system and stamps, and I’ve attempted going for a few. I was able to beat Matt in a swordplay duel, play against the island’s table tennis teacher, and wakeboard better than before. I then decided to mod the game, installing the Storm Island modpack and playing around with it. I was also able to figure out some basic text, music, and image replacement, so that I was able to add some funny quirks of my own.

As of now, I’ve stopped playing WSR, but I don’t think I’ll ever get truly tired of it.