First Post

October 1, 2022

And we are live!

tay zonday said this

Tay Zonday


Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Give a man a playlist of HTML tutorials, he- huh?


A while ago I saw a YouTube Short about having your own website. I kept it in my mind, until I saw a video about someone’s favorite personal websites. These unique websites - mostly the first one - inspired me to make my own. I started by making a landing page and the Beat Saber graphic you can see here. Then I gave up. Turns out making a very nice website as your first is not easy. So, I moved on.

But, as I was randomly looking at Discord profiles I saw Someone who also plays Beat Saber has a cool little website that isn’t too complex? I convinced myself that I should make one.

So I started with Astro (idea taken from Kival) and Bootstrap, ready for something much better. I made a simple(r) landing page, and kept expanding until I was happy!